Dear Parents,
Welcome to Gan Izzy Summer Day Camp Sydney 2025! We are thrilled to offer your child an unforgettable Summer camp experience filled with fun activities, exciting trips, and a warm and caring environment.
Our dedicated and dynamic staff have put in a lot of effort to organize creative and enjoyable activities for your child. We prioritize the safety of your child above everything else, and we have included essential information about Gan Izzy in the material provided. Please read it carefully and feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions during the holiday season.
We hope your child has a healthy and enjoyable time at our camp. Best wishes!
To book your child/ren for Gan Izzy Summer Day Camp 2025, please click here
Elimelech Levy, Avremi Joseph,
Camp Director Project Manager
Drop Off And Pickup
Gan Izzy Camp will be at the Dover Heights Shule & KTC Campus
Corner of Napier and Blake Streets, Dover Heights
Drop-off at camp will be from 8:45am for 9am start
Pick-up will be 4pm Mon - Thu and 2:00pm on Friday
Drop off and Pick-up area will be in front of the car park
Entrance through the Shul.
Please safely park and walk your children to drop them off and sign them in.
Campers may only be released to a parent or persons authorised to pick up the camper. Please advise the camp office or your child’s counsellor of a different or new pickup person.
Excursion Details - Summer Camp 2024
Cable Aqua Park- https://www.cableswakepark.com.au/ (all ages appropriate)
Monster Jump- https://www.monsterjump.com.au/
See flyer for excursion dates
Health & Safety Guidelines and COVID Policy.
Below are some additional guidelines that we will be following this summer at Camp Gan Izzy, please note that this list is not comprehensive and is subject to change. Please feel free to reach out to us with any specific questions or concerns about our plan.
- Campers will be reminded to stay extra careful with hand washing, using sanitizer and other important hygienic guidelines at all times.
- All campers should apply sunscreen in the morning and will be reminded to reapply during the day.
- Any camper or staff member who has experienced fever, vomiting, cough, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell or other symptoms typical of Covid-19 will be asked to be tested, if that test is negative they can remain in camp.
We have a group of 10 Madrichot coming from Sydney and 2 Head Counselors from New York, USA as well as Bochurim from Dover Heights Shule, specifically for our camp as well as some local talent and they will bring with them a wealth of experience from Jewish holiday camps overseas to infuse our camper's experience with excitement and enthusiasm.
All staff have completed and authorised NSW Work with Children Checks and have undertaken Child protection Training.
First Aid
There is always staff on site who are trained and up to date in first aid and CPR.
Meals, Drinks & Snacks
Camp will provide lunch each day with a range of sandwiches and snacks consisting of fruit or veggies and/or starch (pretzels, crackers etc.) Light snacks and water will be available all day.
Electronics Policy
Gan Izzy does not allow mobile phones or electronics at camp. We do not assume any responsibility for these items. A camper can get permission from his/her counselor to use the counselor's phone if necessary.
If parents need to reach their child, they can contact the camp directors.
Medical Information
All medication needs to be identified in the enrollment form and should be handed to the counselor of the camper in question, Please ensure to label the medication with the campers name and provide instructions for when it needs to be administered. Medication must be in the original packaging with the pharmacy label displaying your child’s name. Loose tablets or medication which has expired will not be accepted.
Staff will store the medication in the designated secure place, and will ensure that medication is kept out of reach of the children at all times.
Medication will only be administered from its original packaging and by the first aid officer.
Medication will be administered with the parent’s written permission only, or with the approval of a medical practitioner in the case of an emergency.
A qualified first aider is on site at all times throughout the camp, for medical advice and consultation. All vehicles transporting children are outfitted with first aid supplies. On every excursion and hike, a first aid kit is brought along.
Chartered buses will transport children on the relevant dates, to their respective destinations
There is an absolute zero tolerance for smoking, alcohol consumption, abuse and bullying / raiding in camp. Any camper who does not follow these rules will be automatically sent home.
• All Playing Cards
• Chewing Gum
• Cigarettes
• Fireworks/ Fire Making Devices
• Knives
• Laptops
• Non-Jewish books/ magazines
• Red Bull – or other high-energy drink
• Shaving Cream
• Phones, iPad, tablets, smart watches and similar devices
• Water guns
• Any other dangerous item
• Alcohol
• Non kosher foods
• Nuts
Any such item found will be confiscated and not returned. Camp staff have the right to search camper’s luggage. The camp has complete authority to send home any camper who does not obey the camp rules at the parents’ cost.
Any costs that may occur as a result of injury/illness or any reckless damage caused by your child must be paid for by the parents of the child in question.
Full kosher catering is provided by kitchen staff. All meat products are Glatt Kosher, all dairy products are Cholov Yisroel. Healthy and nutritious meals are provided daily, with fruit, snacks and drinks available at all times. For special dietary needs please communicate this when booking to ensure your child is catered for.
Personal belongings
We take seriously our responsibility to deliver our services in a safe environment that is caring, nurturing and protective. At Chabad Youth we believe that the welfare of all children and young people is of paramount importance and that our organisation has an obligation to defend the child’s right to care and protection. Staff and management have a responsibility to take action to protect children they suspect may be abused or neglected. We have a zero tolerance policy towards abuse or bullying of any kind.
We believe children and young people who come to programs and events at Chabad Youth should:
• Feel comfortable
• Be cared for
• Feel safe and be safe.
Everyone who works here does their best to make sure children and young people here are protected from any harm.
It is not okay for anyone to hurt a child’s feelings or body.
It is important for you and your child to know that if your child ever feels unsafe or uncomfortable we will be here to listen to you both and act proactively.
If you are unhappy with the way you or your child are being treated please tell the Chabad Youth director or a head staff member.
Outlined below is a brief outline of our practice and behavior guidelines:
Our practice and behaviour guidelines address the major areas where our staff interact with the children and young people who take part in our programs, services and events. We have developed these practice and behaviour guidelines to help safeguard your children and young people from abuse or neglect.
Under no circumstances is any form of ‘sexual behaviour’ to occur between, with, or in the presence of, children and/or young people participating in any of our programs, services and events. ‘Sexual behaviour’ is interpreted widely, to encompass the entire range of actions that would reasonably be considered to be sexual in nature, including but not limited to contact behavior and non-contact behaviour.
Our personnel will not, of their own volition or at the request of a service user, act outside the confines of their duties (as specified in their job agreement.) when helping to deliver our programs, services and events.
Chabad Youth personnel are not allowed to:
1. Provide unauthorized transportation, for example, lifts home, to any youth in our care unless given authorization from the coordinator or parent.
2. Must not seek contact with children or young people (or former participants) outside programs, services and events unless given authorization from the coordinator or parent.
If any of our personnel become aware of a situation in which a child or young person requires assistance that is beyond the confines of that person’s role, or beyond the scope of our organisation’s usual service, they will seek advice from Chabad Youth management, contact the child or young person’s parent or guardian, and/or refer the matter to an appropriate authority or support agency.
Any Language and/or tone of voice used in the presence of children and young people will provide clear direction, boost their confidence, encourage or affirm them. Language used by staff members will not be harmful to children, and staff will endeavor to avoid language that is discriminatory, racist or sexist, derogatory, intended to threaten or frighten, or language that is profane or sexual.
Personnel are responsible for supervising the children and young people to which our organisation provides programs, services and events, to ensure that amongst other reasons, participants will engage positively with our programs, behave appropriately toward one another, and that they are in a safe environment and are protected from external threats, for example, supervised at all times with no access for intruders etc.
Our personnel are required to not have one-to-one unsupervised situations with children and young people to whom we provide services, and to conduct all activities and/or discussions with service recipients in view of other personnel.
Giving of gifts by our service delivery personnel to children and young people to whom we provide service is subject to the gift being in a manner of a reward or prize, and in a public manner and they have obtained prior authorisation from a supervisor or Director. Our center will make all parents or other responsible adults aware of any gift or prize given.
Under these guidelines children and young people to whom we deliver service are to be photographed while involved in our programs, services and events only if:
- Our Director has granted prior and specific approval
- The context is directly related to participation in our programs, services and events
- The child is appropriately dressed and posed
- The image is taken in the presence of other personnel.
Chabad Youth policy states that any physical contact with children and young people must be appropriate to the delivery of our programs, services and events such as when fitting a harness on a child and based on the needs of the child or young person, rather than on the needs of our personnel.
Any physical handling of a child, when appropriate to the delivery of services must be with prior advice and permission from parents and a clear acknowledgment from the child prior to handling.
Under no circumstances should any of our personnel have contact with children or young people participating in our programs, services and events that would appear to a reasonable observer to have a sexual connotation or that is intended to cause pain or distress to the student. Staff is instructed to not be overly physical in any way with a child.
Our personnel are required to report to management any physical contact initiated by a child or young person that is sexual and/or inappropriate, for example, acts of physical aggression, as soon as possible, to enable the situation to be managed in the interests of the safety of the child or young person, our personnel and any other participants.
Personnel are required to supervise children and young people in change rooms while balancing that requirement with a child or young person’s right to privacy. In addition personnel will avoid one-to-one situations with a child or young person in a change room area. Chabad Youth personnel are not permitted to use the change room area while children and young people are present. Chabad Youth personnel will provide the level of supervision required for preventing abuse by members of the public, adult service users, peer service users, or general misbehaviour, while also respecting a child’s privacy
Children and young people in our care will be transported only in circumstances that are directly related to the delivery of our programs, services and events – for example, a organized event may be okay, but they may not be given casual lifts.
Children will be transported only with prior authorisation from our Director and from the child’s parent/guardian.
Yours and other children and young people’s participation in the program is for their enjoyment. As parents your role is to support these outcomes by:
• encouraging your child’s participation in a positive and respectful manner
• advising our program coordinator of any special needs that your child may have, or develop, during the course of the program (for example, they may suffer from asthma or allergies, or have hearing difficulties), so that we can assist in their safe participation in the program, and ensure that all necessary paperwork has been filled out.
• engaging with our staff positively, not criticising staff members in the presence of your child, and reporting any concerns to our program coordinator
• ensuring that your child is picked up on time at the conclusion of a program session
• arranging with our program coordinator prior to a session if your child is to be picked up by a person unknown to the program – and completing an authorisation form
• advising our coordinator if your child is unable to attend the program, or is no longer interested in participating in the program
• reporting any concerns to our program coordinator and not directly to a staff member, other child or parent involved in the program
• not asking the staff member to provide any other support or service outside the boundaries of our mentoring program, such as asking for babysitting services or for lifts home for your child
• not engaging in behaviour that discriminates against any other person on the basis of gender, ability, race, colour, religion, language, politics or national or ethnic origin
• engaging with other participants in a positive and respectful manner and not engaging in behaviour designed to belittle, insult or intimidate others
• not engaging in, or threatening to engage in, violent or physical confrontations with any other person
• not encouraging or inciting your child to commit violent acts or to breach program rules
• advising our program coordinator of any changes in contact information for use in the event of an emergency.
Serious or ongoing breaches of these guidelines are not tolerated. Parents who breach our guidelines may:
• be asked to leave the program
• provided with advice and/or a warning to encourage positive participation
• jeopardise their future participation in our programs, services and events.
We take seriously our responsibility to deliver a safe environment that is caring, supportive and nurturing and are committed to protecting the children and young people to whom we deliver our services. Accordingly we have developed policies on how to respond to child abuse reports and allegations as a guide to all involved personnel in meeting their responsibilities in this area. Our personnel are required to identify, report and respond to any concerns about, or incidents of, child abuse or neglect towards children or young people to whom we provide services. Our personnel are required to respond to abuse or neglect perpetrated by personnel within our organisation or by other persons. In the event of a report of suspected child abuse, the Director of Chabad Youth will be notified and depending upon the nature and seriousness of the incident, the police or child protection and parents will be notified. Strict confidentiality will apply to all concerned.
As parents you also play an important role in the safety of your children and the others attending our activities. If you or your child has any concerns in relation to their safety you should contact the Director at Chabad Youth,
We are very excited to have your child join the Chabad Youth family. We look forward to working with you to ensure your child has a happy, positive, fun and inspiring time at our camp.